Best Tankmates for Basslet Fish

best tankmates for basslet

Basslets are small, colorful fishes that can make terrific additions to aquariums, and have a manageable temperament around others. It’s important to choose the right tankmates for your Basslet fish to ensure everything runs smoothly in your tank. So today I am going to share with you the best tankmates for Basslets. I will list … Read more

20 Best Easy To Grow, Low Light Plants for Aquariums

best low light aquarium plants featured

Everybody loves easy to grow, low light plants for freshwater aquariums, even though they are usually associated with beginners. The truth is that even seasoned aquarium owners love them because, well, who doesn’t love low maintenance stuff? Today, I am here to share with you a list of 20 fresh water aquarium plants that are … Read more

What Are the White Spots on the Aquarium Glass, Wood or Decorations?

white spots aquarium glass

I was very surprised when I started seeing some white spots on my tank’s glass: just a few early on, then more and more. The same spots can be seen on decorations or the wood inside my aquarium, and even on the leaves. Which brought me to the burning question in the title, that I … Read more

120+ Amazing Names For Your Goldfish (Badass names, Funny, Clever Ones and More)

goldfish name ideas

What’s in a name? Plenty, if you’re talking about goldfish! Goldfish come in all shapes and personalities, so it makes sense that they also come with many names. In this blog post, we’ll share 150+ of the best names for your goldfish. We’ve got some funny names, clever puns, badass monikers – just about everything … Read more

Why do Fish Swim More if Water Filter Is Turned Off? [Complete Answer]

why are fish more active when you turn off filter

You might have noticed that, once you turn off your water filter, your fish become more active. There are a few potential explanations for this and fortunately, there isn’t anything for you to really worry about. But we’ll get in-depth today and answer all your questions! Fish might swim more when you turn off the … Read more